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Month: September 2018

data breaches
September 24, 2018

Equifax data breach fine hits maximum limit

The Equifax data breach fine issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has hit the maximum limit of £500,000.00.

The 2017 Equifax data breach resulted in some 700,000 UK citizens put at risk from data exposure. In total, around 15 million records were actually compromised.

This was a major breach for a number of reasons. Firstly, it was preventable; taking place because an employee failed to patch a known security vulnerably. Secondly, because the damage could have been lessened had Equifax have had proper systems in place to spot such a breach. Thirdly, because of who Equifax are. This is a company who is a credit-reference agency. The fact that a data breach has happened to them is incredibly worrying.

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By Matt
medical data breaches
September 18, 2018

NHS Digital data breach compensation action

We have a legal action under way for NHS Digital data breach compensation because of the 150,000 patients whose opt-out instructions were not honoured.

The patients, who had all registered for a “type 2 Opt-out” of their data being shared for things like auditing, could be entitled to claim for data breach compensation as part of our action. As a result of a coding error in the software used by GPs to record their instructions to op-out resulting in the objections not being recorded and shared properly the patients have had their private and sensitive medical information passed on.

If you have been affected by the issue and you want to claim, we can help.

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By Matt
Airline data breach
September 10, 2018

Legal claims launched as British Airways data breach hits 380,000

Legal claims have been launched as the British Airways data breach revealed last week has hit some 380,000 customers.

Card numbers, expiry dates and security codes (CVV) have been exposed in the attack, together with the personal details of the victims.

This is an incredibly serious data breach that will likely result in a significant fine that could amount to £500m for breaches of the new GDPR that came into force in May 2018. Victims of the British Airways data breach can be eligible to launch a legal case for any financial loss, distress and inconvenience caused with us as well.

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By Matt
September 03, 2018

Data breach fatigue is said to be growing

Data breach fatigue is said to be growing because of the sheer volume of data breaches that are happening on a continual basis.

In case you’re not aware, data breach fatigue is the idea that people are becoming less and less bothered about data breaches because they’re happening all the time. It’s almost as if there’s no longer a ‘uniqueness’ to the concept of someone falling victim to a data breach, and this can lead to a ‘group think’ kind of scenario where each individual’s interest in the risk can be diluted.

It’s said to be growing, and this could be very bad news for all of us.

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By Matt

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