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Category: Apps

health app data breach
April 22, 2024

Health App Data Breach: How The Data Breach Lawyers Can Help You Claim Compensation

Understanding the Impact of a Health App Data Breach: In today’s digital age, health apps have become integral tools for managing wellness and healthcare needs.

However, with the convenience of these apps comes the risk of data breaches, leaving users vulnerable to privacy violations and identity theft. If you have been affected by a health app data breach, you may be entitled to compensation for the damages incurred.

At The Data Breach Lawyers, we specialise in helping victims of data breaches claim the compensation they deserve, ensuring that justice is served.

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By Matt
fertility app security
November 06, 2023

Fertility App Security: Claiming Data Breach Compensation

Fertility app security is of paramount importance to get right. The use of fertility apps has revolutionised the way individuals track their reproductive health.

These applications can provide a convenient and personalised approach to monitoring menstrual cycles, ovulation, and fertility patterns. However, recent concerns have emerged regarding the security of these apps, prompting the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to launch a review focused on data security and transparency.

In this article, we will delve into the implications of the ICO’s review and provide guidance on how to claim data breach compensation, ensuring that your privacy and security are safeguarded.

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By Matt
March 04, 2019

The 500px data breach incident

News of the monumental 500px data breach incident has hit the media recently. It may have affected all of their users – that’s 15 million people worldwide.

It’s understood that an ‘unauthorised party’ gained access to their systems on 5th July 2018. However, engineers only discovered the security issue and the subsequent breach last month. That means a period of around six months where victims of the 500px data breach have been left vulnerable to further attacks.

It’s thought that all 15 million of their users are affected by the incident. The organisation has triggered password resets as a precaution. Victims will need to keep an eye on their online accounts and activity, as well as being wary of phishing scams.

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By Matt
mobiles and apps
December 03, 2018

York Council data breach

The York City Council data breach revealed at the end of November appears to be another avoidable breach from a local authority.

In this incident, an IT expert inadvertently stumbled across a huge vulnerability in the York City Council’s environmental app, named One Plant York. The app, which has since been taken down, had some 6,000 users and was aimed at promoting environmental protection. Unfortunately, a vulnerability in the app’s coding led to the personal and private information of the 6,000 users being compromised.

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By Matt
data breaches in the healthcare sector
November 27, 2017

The deadly combination: healthcare data and mobile apps

It’s a potentially deadly combination: healthcare data and mobile apps.  In fact, one of the world’s largest diagnostics service providers had its security wall breached as a result of a mobile app exposing medical data. So, it has happened.

Reportedly, around 34,000 customers had personal and medical information accessed during the breach. The information included customers’ names, dates of birth, health records and some telephone numbers.

Thankfully, the breach did not include any financial details like bank account numbers, sort codes and NI numbers. But it raises serious doubts over whether the healthcare industry is really secure enough to combine with the mobile app industry. Is it just too risky?
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By Admin

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