Claim compensation for a data leak at work
data leak at work

Claim compensation for a data leak at work

Our quick and easy process allows you to start your data breach claim - sign-up today to claim potentially thousands in compensation.

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We specialise in representing victims for data breach compensation claims.

Information on how we handle your data is available in our Privacy Policy.

You could be entitled to claim compensation for a data leak at work, and we may be able to represent you as privacy experts on a No Win, No Fee basis.

The GDPR is there to be used in the event that your information has been misused or exposed and you have suffered distress as a result of this. If you have been the victim of a data breach, leak or hack in the workplace, you should know that you have rights and you could be entitled to pursue your employer for damages for what you have had to go through.

Our expert team can provide free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

Can you claim for a data leak at work?

You could be entitled to claim compensation for a data leak at work if your information has been misused or exposed in this kind of event. The GDPR can allow you to recover compensation for any distress that you have suffered from that is caused by the loss of control of your personal information. If you were not at fault for the leak, and it was avoidable, that is when you may have a claim in negligence and be able to use the GDPR to win your case.

The distress element of the case is normally based on the extent of the suffering that you have endured. Generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more a case could be worth. We will often assess this based on factors such as the nature of the information involved, who it has been exposed to or misused by, and the personal impact on you. The personal impact could be very subjective as it can depend on how you personally feel about the information in question, and how it may have affected you.

How does an employment data breach case work?

If you suffered a data leak at work, do not feel worried about pursuing an employment data breach claim. The law is on your side to use in the event that something like this happens and, in many workplace compensation cases, we often find that employers are quite happy for employees to claim for what has happened to them.

In many cases, the fault may lie with a colleague or at least another employee of the organisation. You can still claim if this is the case as the fault of an employee can fall on to the employer, which is known as vicarious liability. What this means is that the negligence of an employee can, ultimately, be the responsibility of the employer. That being said, we often find in cases where an employee is at fault that more could – and should – have been done by the employer to prevent incidents from occurring in the first place. Whether this is down to the need for better procedures and practices, or more stringent and effective training and systems to be used, there is often more that could have been done.

No Win, No Fee legal representation

We can represent victims of a data leak at work on a No Win, No Fee basis if they are eligible to claim with us. This way of working is part of our commitment to access to justice and means that you can benefit from us writing off our legal fees if the case does not succeed, subject to the agreed terms and conditions in place.

We also offer free, no-obligation legal advice to anybody who may have been involved in a breach that may need our help. All you need to do is contact the team here now and you can usually find out in minutes if your case is one that we can take forward for you without delay.

Get A Call Back Today

We specialise in representing victims for data breach compensation claims.

Information on how we handle your data is available in our Privacy Policy.

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